If you consistently care for your oral health, you can prevent future dental diseases from happening, including gum disease, tooth decay, gingivitis, and more. You can also eliminate bad breath and tooth stains with regular brushing and flossing. Our goal is to educate our patients so that they know how to consistently care for their teeth at home. We also highly encourage at least two dental cleanings a year, but may recommend more depending on your condition.
In our office, you receive treatment that targets long-term oral health. We teach you how to maintain your own preventative care at home more effectively to ensure longevity. Your appointments are tailored for you based on your current oral health and the complexity of your existing dentistry and any new dental needs.
In partnership with you, together we can achieve your long-term oral health goals through regular cleanings and exams. Consistent and thorough care of your oral health can prevent future dental disease and painful problems. We will recommend only necessary treatment and offer custom designed treatment plans to fit your dental health needs.